What is Lenders Mortgage Insurance?

What is Lenders Mortgage Insurance? Purchasing your first home is an exciting milestone, but the challenge of saving 20% for deposit – particularly if you’re also paying rent and navigating cost-of-living pressures – can feel like an impossible mission However, it’s important to not lose sight of your dream of home ownership, as there could […]
Your guide to save for a house deposit

Your guide to save for a house deposit Getting ready to buy a home starts with saving for the deposit. It might seem challenging, but with a solid strategy, you can make it happen. Here are several things to consider to get you started and on track for home ownership sooner than you think. […]
What to expect from the car market this year

What to expect from the car market this year Are you in the market for a new set of wheels? The good news is that used-car prices are largely continuing to fall, while new car prices have dropped 3.5% since their peak in December 2022. COVID-induced supply chain issues have well and truly eased, and […]
5 tips for getting on top of your mortgage repayments

5 tips for getting on top of your mortgage repayments If you’re struggling to cover your mortgage repayments and other living expenses, you’re not alone. Data by Roy Morgan revealed that more Australian homeowners were “at risk” of mortgage stress over the three months to January than ever before. If you’re wondering how you’ll afford […]
Refinancing a home loan: the process explained

Refinancing a home loan: the process explained When you’re busy with life, refinancing can seem like a hassle. However, with a mortgage broker to guide you through the process, it doesn’t have to be! Refinancing may allow you to switch to a more competitive home loan, thereby potentially saving you money in interest. It can […]
4 common mistakes to avoid as a first home buyer

4 common mistakes to avoid as a first home buyer There’s nothing like buying your very first home. The excitement of knowing you can paint the inside whatever colour you like. The thrill of hammering a few nails into the walls for your favourite prints and not worrying about the consequences. You want your first-time […]
Is the refinance boom over?

Is the refinance boom over? In 2023, the cashback craze was on steroids. Lenders vying for refinancing business were offering sweeteners of $5,000 or more to borrowers who switched over their home loans. However, the wind forwards the clock to 2024 and the landscape is vastly different. Fewer and fewer lenders are offering cashbacks, and […]
Property investment jargon explained

Property investment jargon explained Are you new to the world of property investing? If you’ve ever found yourself scratching your head at the complex lingo, we’re here to turn that confusion into clarity. Imagine dazzling your dinner guests with your newfound knowledge, effortlessly chatting about the ins and outs of the market. Negative Gearing […]
4 steps to take now for buying your first home in 2024

4 steps to take now for buying your first home in 2024 Thinking about purchasing your own home this year? How exciting! The dream of homeownership is facing some new challenges, especially for those in their twenties. Recent data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows the rate of young adults owning a […]
5 rules successful property investors follow

5 rules successful property investors follow The wonderful thing about property investing is that it opens your world up to different ways to potentially build your wealth. However, Australian Taxation Office figures released last June showed that a quarter of Australia’s property investments are held by 1% of taxpayers. The majority of those investors are […]